Tuesday, June 12, 2012

iPhone Showcase

The Apple logo and the iPhone are registered trademarks of the Apple Company. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Multimedia class has allowed me to practice my skills further and apply them in areas I would have never considered before. My skills have been honed and I have learned well enough to explain techniques to other people and assist them in executing them properly. I have also gained experience in programs I haven't used before, like Illustrator, Publisher, and Google Sketchup. The most interesting experience for me would have to be in Sketchup, because it was a completely new and foreign program to me, but I was able to pick it up fast enough and complete my assignments in almost as quick a time as my others. I fully expect to use what I've learned in Multimedia later in my life and apply those skills in places beyond the educational environment. My aim is to become even better in the field of Graphic Design and use my skills in the workplace.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sketchup Work

Blocks made on Google SketchUp using diagrams, including extra blocks (one unfinished).

My little house. :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Third Marking Period work

Assignment #14: A flash drive made in Illustrator.


Assignment #15: A brochure of my schedule using Publisher.


Assignment #16, Parts A B and C: Google SketchUp

16A: 2D Shapes

16B: 3D Shapes

16C: 3D Name

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Portrait softglow

Added a soft glow to a portrait to create a younger appearance.

Quick Mask Teeth Whitening


Performed a teeth whitening using Photoshop and quick masks.
Click here to view this tutorial.

Motion Blur


A motion blur was applied to a picture to create the illusion of motion, as opposed to the original still photo.


Recreated an EATWISE 'Change One Thing' poster.
Click here to visit the Change One Thing page
EATWISE and Change One Thing are registered trademarks of the Food Bank for New York City.
All rights reserved.

Pattern on suit or dress

A texture and pattern was added to a suit jacket.

Flag painted on face

Using the same method and tutorial, a flag was placed on my face to create a painted-on effect.

Flag painted on brick wall

The Dominican flag on a brick wall, using displacement maps.

Event Flyer


A flyer created for the "Twin Day" event in school, using skills from assignments #1 through #7.